The Minute-Taker’s Workshop

No matter who you are or what you do, whether at work or in the community, you are likely involved in meetings. Meetings are costly, whether they are held in a company boardroom or at the local coffee shop. To ensure that meetings are productive and worth the expense involved, three ingredients are necessary: an assurance of closure, a strong chair or leader, and accurate minutes. It has been said that if accurate minutes have not been recorded, then the meeting may just as well not have taken place.

If people can’t remember or agree on what actually occurred at a meeting, how can the group effectively accomplish its objectives? After this two-day workshop you will understand your role as a minute-taker and the best techniques for producing minutes that include all the essential information needed.

2 Day

The Minute-Taker’s Workshop

14 PDUs

Personal Development Unit

What Will Students Learn?

  • Recognize the importance of minute-taking.
  • Develop key minute-taking skills, including listening skills, critical thinking, and organization.
  • Be able to resolve many of the complaints that affect minute-takers.
  • Be able to write minutes that are suitable for formal meetings, semiformal meetings, and action minutes.
  • Be an efficient minute-taker in any type of meeting.
  • Be able to prepare and maintain a minute book.

Course Overview

We will spend the first part of the day getting to know other participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.

The Role of a Minute Taker

To begin, participants will discuss the role of a minute taker. They will also explore common problems and solutions in small groups.

The Skills of a Minute Taker

Next, participants will learn about the three key skills that a minute-taker must have: an ability to listen, critical thinking skills, and good organization techniques.

Meeting Agreements

This session will discuss meeting agreements and give participants three templates to take away and customize.

Minutes Styles

During this session, participants will look at samples of three types of minutes: formal, informal, and action.

What Do I Record?

Next, participants will learn what to record during a meeting.

Techniques for Preparing Minutes

This session will give participants the tools for creating minutes, including organization methods, techniques for writing drafts, and proofreading tips.

Taking Minutes in an Interactive Meeting

During this session, participants will learn how their role as a minute-taker will be different in an interactive meeting.

The Minute Book

To wrap up the day, participants will learn how to build and maintain a minute book.

Workshop Wrap-Up

At the end of the day, students will have an opportunity to ask questions and fill out an action plan.