In this section we will discuss how to plan scope management this is the first process in the scope management section and a lot of people confuse this one when they read plan scope management they think you’re developing the scope here but in reality what you’re doing in plan scope management is you’re developing the approach that you want to use for scope management so you could actually read that heading there instead of plan scope management you could read it as plan scope management approach the scope management approach it’s going to be covering how the project and product scope will be defined validated and controlled so as I mentioned it will not include the scope itself but it includes how scope is going to be managed throughout the project and that includes many different things such as the WBS the requirements what templates Word documents what software and so on and not necessarily identifying the actual scope of the project you’ll see here in the outputs that your key outputs here are the scope management plan and the requirements management plan and those don’t include the actual scope or the requirements and instead what they include would be the approach we want to use in managing those you’ll see here in the inputs your key inputs here would be your quality management plan because in the quality management plan there are certain requirements or steps or policies that the organization may have or methodologies or standards that will need to be implemented on the project if that’s the case those need to be part of how you manage scope this will be part of how you maybe define or specify requirements on your project or maybe how you validate the requirements after they’ve been completed after the work is done also if you look at the project lifecycle description here it talks about maybe phases that your project may go through and if that’s the case a lot of what you do in scope verification or validation may be tied to the to the complete completing of those phases and finally the developing approach that will be used on the project will have its own effect so if you’re using waterfall or iterative and so on these would have an effect in the sense that the the planning or the scope that you think about for waterfall is like the full project scope whereas if you’re doing iterative these are like repetitive pieces of your project and could be you know similar but you know in but being repeated over and over adaptive or agile is going to allow you to work with a backlog and from that backlog you’re prioritizing which of these features or requirements are going to go into the next project so your definition into your next sprint I mean so the definition of the of the project scope is different depending on whether you’re going with waterfall or you going with agile along with the other two factors that we mentioned previously so these are things that we need to consider when we are coming up with the scope management approach all right the other thing that we need to look at is options you know a lot of times you will find that there are approaches that are pretty simple based on Microsoft Word based on Excel so I could put my WBS if you want in Microsoft Word and use boxes and things like that to reference what what WBS looks like here on this screen you’ll see an example of a WBS that it had that has been created in Microsoft Word whereas you know I could use software like Microsoft Project or some other one to create my WPS and here you will see another one that I would created with software so you see there’s more than one option that I could use to create my WBS likewise the the requirements document can also be created in Excel but I could also use software to help me manage my requirements so this is what we mean by evaluating alternatives each is going to come with its own scope of work technical skills that are required the software itself the cost associated with it and so on the final outcome of evaluating your different options is that you’ll develop an idea of how you want to manage your scope so here you have the scope management plan as one of the outputs and the other output that you’re going to get is a requirements management plan let’s look at the scope management plan and look at the components of it the scope management plan itself is a part of the project management plan and it describes how we want to manage scope so it talks about how we want to define how we want to develop how we want to monitor how we want to control and validate scope and if you recall what I was just showing you are how the WBS would have been developed so we have more than one way that we can develop the WBS there’s more than one way to work with requirements and so this scope management plan talks about how we’re going to do every step of scope management it does not have to be formal it can be informal it can just be agreed to verbally with your management or your sponsor and it should include the following how will you prepare your scope statement you can use a word template for that one how you going to create the WBS and how you’re going to set up your baseline like who signs off on your scope baseline who reviews it you need to know that and also what do you do with changes afterwards what if you need to make changes to the scope or the WBS and so on how do you get formal acceptance of deliverables so basically how do you validate how do you monitor how do you control these are components of your scope management plan as mentioned along with this we have the requirements management plan and with the requirements management plan which is also part of your project management plan we’re going to describe how project and product requirements will be analyzed how they’ll be documented which you can use Excel how they’re going to be managed we can use traceability and change management and so on we can also use baselining for requirements so how these things are going to be done who are the people that would maybe hold the original copy of the requirements document and so on who are the people that make decisions on changes what is the process for making changes so how are we going to do all requirements activities how do we plan track report who will be involved how will configuration management be done with regards so like changes how do we analyze impacts how we’re going to trace on what basis do we trace we will cover traceability later on but how do we trace or track our requirements traceability by the way is linking a requirement to a source like who gave you that requirement or what is the law or regulation that required that specific requirement how will we be reporting on requirements what are the different authorization levels that would be needed in order for us to approve a change once their requirements have been baseline and speaking of that how you going to baseline the requirements who’s the one that signs off on it is your is it your project sponsor is that a quality team who actually does that what is our prioritization scheme or process what what carries the highest priority to us is at time is a cost is it features what is it that’s going to be our guideline what about metrics do we have any metrics that we want to associate with requirements maybe a number of changes maybe how many times we go back to the same user for our same client or stakeholder to collect that requirement and maybe how many requirements we have or how many we complete of these requirements if you’re working in an agile environment how many will be completed by a specific timeframe when you work in agile you work in a very fixed time sometimes ten days for every sprint and you need to complete 10% of these features within that ten-day sprint on a single day basis you got to complete 10% and what is our traceability approach that we want to use so these are the things that we look at in order to come up with the scope management approach you at the end you’re going to have your requirements management plan you’re gonna have your scope management plan and it’s going to be probably the best approach considering all the alternatives that you’ve looked at all right this takes us to the end of this one section and on the next video we will talk about how to collect requirements thank you for watching and for staying with us hope to see you on the next video if you know others who would like to see these videos feel free to share with them let us know what you think let us know if there’s other topics that you’re interested in would like to hear from you have a great day and see you on the next video take care bye bye