Took the Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Preparation course before, but haven’t found the time to sit for the PMP exam? We have the course just for you.
Join our 3-Day PMP Refresher course and bridge the gap between the learnings you have retained from your last PMP course to re-equipping yourself of all the necessary knowledge and skills in order to finally sit for the exam.
This three-day course is a refresher for those who has completed the full PMP training course previously and would like to briefly go through all the knowledge areas, concepts, processes and tasks of The Project Management Body of Knowledge 6th Edition (PMBOKv6), as well as identify the steps needed to complete your exam application and meet the required criteria. The course includes a 2-day lecture and 1 day fully allotted for practice tests through our online Exam Simulator—allowing for a more holistic review of the PMP Exam Content Outline.

Course Outline
The PMP Refresher course will be conducted through a live online instructor-led training arrangement over a period of 3 days, starting from 8:30 AM and ending at 2:30 PM daily, with allowances for short refreshment breaks, and lunch break.