Hello everyone and welcome to my video on interrelationship diagrams now interrelationship diagrams is the quality tool it is useful problem-solving it is it’s a beautiful tool but not enough people use it so in this video I’m going to show you how to use inter relationship diagram to be able to prioritize your problem solving process so basically this is how it goes most of the times when we’re trying to solve a problem we have multiple symptoms of it so we have a lot of issues that the team can name out oh it’s very important that this is done as a team effort it’s very hard for you to do this individually what you need is a team of people that will meet together everybody comes in takes a post-it note writes what they think the issue is on that post-it note if everyone is done you take all these post-it notes you try to consolidate them into like four or five six main issues that people see and then you put them into a form of a circle and you create relationships between them so I’m going to switch over to my little piece of paper and demonstrate how we use inter relationship diagrams to prioritize where efforts need to go stay with me right so what you see here is five issues that maybe the team would have named and what we want to do is we want to correlate these that’s why it’s called inter relationship diagram so I want to see the interrelationship between these issues so I’m going to start with issue one an issue two and the question is between issue one and issue two that the team has named out which one is driving the other so if we felt that issue one is the one that’s driving issue two that’s that’s causing issues issue two so as an example I did not sleep well therefore I cannot focus right so we will know that not sleeping well is the reason why I can’t focus so it then this issue is the one that’s driving that issue so if we feel that this is a strong driver of that issue then we draw a solid line and the arrow points to the second part so that means issue one is the reason why issue two is happening if we feel let’s say now we go to the second we go to the second we do a comparison we’ve done issue one to two we go issue one to issue three what’s the relationship between them his issue one driving three or is three driving one all right so in this example you know I did not sleep well what if this one was my children were sick all right maybe that’s the reason I did not sleep well and in that case I’ll say that that’s driving that one right so you want to do that with each and now you go issue one to four so you want to circle it like go from here to here so here so here right now when I do this with this if I felt for example there is no relationship I will leave it blank and then I do that and let’s say there is a relationship and issue one is driving issue five but you know not maybe it’s just a weak driver it’s a weak relationship and if I felt it was a weak relationship then what I do is I draw a dotted line all right now I’m done with issue one now I go to issue two I don’t need to repeat its relationship with one because that’s already done I’m gonna do two with three two with four two with five and then let’s say you know let’s just randomly put some relationships there I’m gonna put some dotted lines and then let’s just assume that this was the case that that was a partial or weak relationship right then we go to three we’re done with two right we don’t need to do with with one anymore three we don’t need to do with two and one we just need to do with four and five so let’s say there was no relationship here and then we had a strong relationship it’s a strong driver of five right and we’re done with three now we go to four we just need to do it with five let’s say four is a weak driver of what’s going on in five right so now we’re done with the inter relationship diagram and what we have to do is sum it up how do you sum it up well every strong relationship is a 1 is a 1 right and every weak relationship is a 0.5 so you want to count how many outs and how many ins issue one has one and half out and one end so then you go and you’re right out one in half and in 0.5 and you do it for all in this example what you want to see is which one has the most outs which one has the most n and we want to look for the most out here I see this one has two outs and that may be the highest so we say issue three here is the driver and we want to see which one has the most in this one has one one and a half this has two in so issue five is the outcome alright so then you mark this as the outcome and now what this means is that if the team wants to focus on anything to get results we focus on issue three that’s the key driver and if we want to measure the outcome you go to issue number five and you see what has happened over there this is how we use inter relationship diagrams and it helps us prioritize sometimes we don’t get a nice number in the outs like we have two of them that are equal so for example this has two outs and let’s say there’s another one that had two out let’s say issue issue two had two outs for example then what it tells you is that you need to focus on both issue two and three and measure your outcome they find something you can measure in the other one alright now I do have a quick examples the example that I’ve set up and this would be for you know why I’m not able to write my book for example all right so I’ve written some issues here no time to write idea is not come pleat environments is not suitable not sure how to proceed it will take too long and I prepared all the outs and ends now I need to do the relationships between them okay I’m back so I have done the totals for all of these and I’m looking at the totals so the one that has the most outs this is one and a half to 0.5 0 1 and a half so 2 is the highest environment is not suitable so I’m going to say that that’s the driver right that’s the key issue there root cause and then the one with the most in it will take too long that’s the outcome so we’re gonna mark this as the outcome and what it means is that if I need to fix this issue then I need to fix the environment make sure I have a proper environment and that’s going to be the driver for the rest of the issues you’ve probably affect them positively and if I want to see the outcome I need to see how long it’s going to take that’s all for this video thank you for watching and I hope to see you on the next video bye bye