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FAQ Page2018-02-08T13:11:30+04:00
What are PDUs?2018-01-25T10:38:06+04:00

PDUs stand for Professional Development Units. PDUs are the measuring unit used to quantify your professional development as part of the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program. 1 PDU = 1 hour of learning/activity.

Can I still earn Education PDUs the same way I used to?2018-01-25T10:40:25+04:00

Yes. You can earn your Education PDUs by attending classes offered by PMI R.E.P.s

What is PMI in Project Management?2018-01-25T10:55:14+04:00

PMI stands for the Project Management Institute, and is a not-for-profit professional membership association for project managers and program managers.

The Project Management Institute is the organization that gives out the PMP (Project Management Professional) credential, a globally recognized certificate that assures employers that a person is trained and qualified to manage projects.

PMI is also the organization that oversees the documentation of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) within the PMBOK Guide.

When is the earliest I can start earning PDUs after I earn a certification?2018-01-25T10:42:30+04:00

You can start earning and reporting PDU activities as soon as you earn a PMI certification. Activities you completed prior to earning your certification will not count as PDUs towards your newly acquired certification.

What is the difference between a Certification and a Certificate?2018-01-25T10:51:45+04:00

Level 1 – ECBA is a certificate because it does not require work experience and it only requires professional development hours.

Professional certification is a designation earned by an individual identifying that they have demonstrated a standard level of skills, experience, and expertise within their field.  Level 2 – CCBA®, Level 3 – CBAP® and Level 4 – CBATL are considered professional certifications because they have each a unique work experience requirement to be eligible and the exam tests their application of the competencies required at each level.  Those who achieve certification receive a certification license number.

What is IIBA Certification and what types are available?2018-01-25T10:49:07+04:00

The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®) has created a competency-based certification program for people performing business analysis. The program includes four levels of credentials, ECBA, CCBA, CBAP and CBATL.

How do candidates schedule time to sit for the exam?2018-01-25T10:44:41+04:00

Once eligible to take the exam, the examination scheduling instructions received from PMI will instruct the applicant to contact Prometric at www.prometric.com to select a date and location for taking the exam. The PMP exam is a computer-based exam and may be scheduled by applicants at any time available at any of the Prometric sites.

Information about site locations and scheduling may be found at Prometric’s website. Select the “Professional Licensure and Certification” for test type and “Project Management Institute” for testing program.

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