Learn to develop and analyze business processes and flow charts effectively using the 3 R’s. This will help with business process re-engineering and with most business analysis and project tasks.
have you been tasked with analyzing a process or to develop one and you’re not sure what to do you’re not confident that you covered all grounds my name is Edward Shehab and I’m going to show you a simple technique you can use for analyzing any process stay tuned [Music] welcome back make this process easy let’s get straight to the point I’m going to talk to you about the 3r process and that’s the rule the role and the route for every process there’s going to be a sequence of tasks or activities that happen in a specific order when you analyze a process you need to figure out three things about every task in this process number one who will do this task or activity so that’s the role you need to ask who’s accountable for this who supports it who has anything to do with this one specific task at least identified the accountable people all right so that’s the role then you got the rule the rule states that some things will need to be completed in this process before it moves on to somebody else maybe it requires some form or template to be filled out maybe it is an approval that needs to happen maybe it’s a checklist that needs to be completed whatever the rules are to qualify this one task or piece of the process to be considered or qualified as completed these other rules that you need to identify as an example if a document that you own and you have the role for this so you own this as an accountable person requires that you would have obtained three signatures from three different people then having these three signatures completed would be the rule that you need to abide by if for example this document needs to have been printed out and then stamped then that’s the rule if it requires cross-checking from somebody else and a review note be made to it then that’s the rule so what you need to identify is what are the rules or the guidelines that this one step’ needs to abide by and once you know those by now you would have the role and the rule the remaining are is the route where does this task go once you have completed it so I have their responsibility for this task and I have followed all the guidelines and rules to complete it where does it go next so I need to identify who is next in line to receive this one process from me and take it on so as you develop a flowchart you’re going to have tasks followed by additional tasks but and maybe by decision points afterwards and every one of these tasks needs to have an owner that’s the role the rules that state that this is ready to be handed over to the next person in line and the direction in which this is going to go which is the route so what happens when the 3 R’s are missing number one if the role is not clear then we’re not sure who’s going to do this one specific task it will be left undone and that breaks the process that’s why it’s important to identify the role what about the rules what happens when they’re broken or when they’re not satisfied well if you pass on your tasks if you complete your portion and you pass it on to somebody else but the rules have not been satisfied that person could simply return it to you as incomplete or does not qualify for them to actually look at it and what happens when you don’t know their route well you’ve you completed a task but you have no clue where this is going to go and this leaves people in a dilemma it sits with them and the process stalls over there therefore it’s very important that we know in a process chart in a flowchart the 3 R’s their role who’s responsible for a task the rule what do they need to do before they hand it over to somebody else and their route where does it go from their hands and there you have it the 3 R’s and that should make your life easier when you’re developing or analyzing your next process thank you for watching and see you on the next video